4 Jan 2024

Meet the team: Jon Hollström

Our COO may love spiders, just not the venomous kind. Jon’s our go-to for anything related to the web crawler, because the whole team knows he loves it best. However, he admits, “I’ve been to Australia, but I left after 3 weeks – too many spiders.”

Indeed, there’s few things that bother him aside from creepy crawlies and long-winded meetings that could have been an email. Originally from Täfteå, Jon attended Umeå University and gained his Masters in Computer Science. He took his time to travel and work outside Sweden, working in London for CentralNic for four years prior to returning to Umeå to join Codemill. That’s where he learned of the opportunity to help build Adlede, now Aeterna Labs, from the ground up.

The self-proclaimed ‘adrenaline junkie’ loves snowboarding, sauna, camping and flying drones for photography. Aside from enjoying a wide range of hobbies, we all know Jon to be as tolerant and empathetic as they come. And the empathy extends to himself: he’ll admit to being “better at starting things than completing them sometimes: maybe I’ll start a spider and Kabir will help me finish it, probably.”

Approachable and reliable, we all know where Jon would be on his ‘best day ever’: snowboarding down a slope in New Zealand, (probably the only place in the world where you can hit the slopes and take a swim in the sea back to back), then enjoying a nice Sauvignon Blanc and having some of the chocolate mud cake his kids make for him every year on his birthday.

Jon (he/him) is available at jon@aeternalabs.ai (if he isn’t at Hemavan) to talk vegan recipes, being your wedding photographer, or Andrew Palmer’s Bartleby column.