13 Dec 2023

Meet the team: Benjamin Björklund

Our most musical team member has been in more bands than the rest of the team combined. By his own account, “it’s anywhere between seven to ten, if you count the band I had in high school, which I don’t”. He’s “mainly a bassist” of a rock/metal flavour, but he’s also been a vocalist, and, for a while, even played upright bass for a prog rock band.

The Obbola native attended Umeå University and gained his master's in Computer Science before joining the Aeterna Labs team after completing his master’s thesis as a working student at Codemill. And it’s no surprise that someone so musically versatile’s also one of our best technical problem solvers, always eager to find different tools to craft better and more adaptable solutions.

For someone who enjoys the famously loudest of musical genres, he’s pretty reserved (this is his favourite album, best enjoyed as loud as possible). But when he does speak up, it’s to get right to the point. Upon returning from his trip to Japan this year, he observed “it was so nice not to talk – to have total silence – on the public transport.”

When we asked about his next travel plans, they’re pretty ambitious: “Maybe I’ve romanticised it, but for a long time I’ve thought about going to Mongolia to ride horses. I’ve only ridden horses a few times, but I’ve really enjoyed it.” Unafraid to dream big and try new things, but still sticking to the classic solutions in a fix. “I do like cake, but I’m fine going straight to the source – a chocolate bar is all I need.”

Benjamin (he/him) is available to talk marathon prep or Patrik Rothfuss’ novels at benjamin.bjorklund@aeternalabs.ai